Features digital setpoint controls, delay timers, and universal inputs. M-System alarm series also have a simple on/off pump control to back-up alarm systems in the event of a PLC/DCS failure.
Stack lights (aka: signal tower lights, indicator lights, andon lights, warning lights, industrial signal lights, or tower lights) are commonly used on equipment in industrial manufacturing and process control environments to provide visual and audible indicators of a machine’s status to machine operators and technicians.
Signal conditioners convert a field signal from various sensors into standard signal suitable for processing in PLC, DCS or PC-based systems. They are also used to boost a signal to increase load drive capability, to isolate a signal to stop ground loops.
A two-wire transmitter is powered by the same two wires that carry the output signal. A field device that requires very little power, appropriate for hazardous (explosive) environments, such as chemical refineries and pharmaceutical plants.
Provides dynamic analog visualization of any type of process parameter that can be transmitted to the indicator via process voltage or current input. Can be mounted horizontally or vertically.